Note: as I post this from my email, I’m already disgusted and frustrated by the circus hoops that Vasa Fitness requires its “valued” members to jump through to cancel their memberships. I need to add that I was extremely happy with my Vasa experience until I made this phone call.
The number one has to call to cancel your account is 801-426-8644 Option 2.
The email address that you’ll get from Member Services is Make sure that you have your member ID number ready. You’ll need it to cancel, interestingly enough, the visit to the front desk and the phone call to ‘verify your identity’ won’t reference this super important number.
I have been informed of your inescapable punitive fees. And, you should be aware that your hostility toward your customers is why I won’t be returning. I will be sharing my experience via social media because it’s an excellent example of poor customer service.

Jul 29, 14:31 MST
We are sorry you have had this experience, we strive everyday to make the members experience better!
Your feedback is appreciated. I will submit your cancellation effective 8/31/16 for your gym membership.
Typically with our personal training agreements, we do require proof of residency and $100 cancellation fee.
However we are going to waive this and adjust off the remaining balance of $544.00.
Please let me know if i can assist you with anything further